Hope: A research-based explainer
Hope is a motivation to persevere toward a goal or end state, even if we’re skeptical that a positive outcome is likely.
Hope is a motivation to persevere toward a goal or end state, even if we’re skeptical that a positive outcome is likely.
“There’s more Neanderthal DNA in the billions of humans alive today than there ever was when they were still around. In a way, Neanderthals are still here.”
The road ahead is the same as behind. Sooner or later, advertently or inadvertently, the seemingly warring stakeholders will reach a settlement, not because better sense will prevail but because all are the manifestations of the same ill.
Calorie-filled meals with little nutrition are suspected of having an impact on decision-making and of causing an overweight trap.
The economy must be liberal, and the menace of State control must be resisted; the use of religion for political shenanigans must stop; draconian laws and powers must be abolished; the country must be returned to its people. An uncluttered, egalitarian, and rational Truth is needed. Nothing else will be stable, nothing else will work.
In sum, the emerging picture is one in which certain forms of HDL cholesterol are good and all the other lipoproteins are bad. The best approach, experts suggest, may be to reduce all the non-HDL cholesterol — whether by diet and exercise or some of these new medicines, should they prove effective.