Let’s Normalize Freelancing, Please!

freelancing tips

I am not here to judge parents about their traditional ways of earning money. I am here for a much bigger purpose. I am here to teach the youth to earn money via freelancing, utilizing my experience as a freelance writer on Upwork and earning double the average salary of a newbie or a Basic Pay Scale 16,17 grade. I might then be able to convince my parents to normalize freelancing as a main source of income.

So here are five things you should keep in mind before starting your career as a freelancer.

1. Master a skill

It is great that you are with me till now but ponder over the skills you want to offer. From writing to graphic design, there are a variety of skills people would love to hire you for. If you are good at writing, provide your services for Copywriting, Content, Creative, or SEO writing. If you are into designing, you can offer logos, illustrations, 2D or 3D models. However, the key is to master your skills before setting up a profile.

2. Communication attracts client

Better master your communication! Only effective communication skills will bring you leads and clients. The strategy is to be polite but be more curious about what your client needs from you. Ask them directly about their expectations and what you are going to offer them. Concise and clear conservation is better than beating around the bush.

3. Prioritize high-quality work

In this world of freelancing, one must know that there are people better than us who offer higher quality work and better services. This leaves us with two choices, either to offer free services or to deliver exceptional quality. Attracting a client is like getting into a relationship. You have to put all your efforts and prove yourself for a long-lasting contract. Hence, prove to them why they should trust you with their long-term projects.

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4. Be ready for feedback

This aspect is sensitive and sometimes makes people mad. Revisions, reviews, and feedback are the core of freelancing. You can’t just expect every client to pay you once you’ve done your job. Hence, you need to be open to feedback and cater them accordingly.

5. Freelancing is meeting deadlines

Like every job, clients do not want your excuses for not meeting deadlines. No one cares about what happened to you or why you were unable to complete the task on time. You need to be punctual, be available, and meet deadlines. I lost one potential client because I dropped a proposal at 3 AM and dozed off.

Now for normalizing freelancing, we must know how to earn from them. Parents won’t like their kids sitting in front of laptops but not earning a penny. Here are the top three websites where you can set up your profile as a beginner.

5.1.  Upwork

Upwork is the new Fiverr. Making an account on Upwork is easy. Connect it with Google or make a new account, select your services, and upload your portfolio, testimonials, and experience. You are good to go. Once the site approves your profile you can apply for jobs by using free connects. You can get free connects each month or you can buy them easily. You can easily connect your HBL account and get paid in a local bank.

5.2.  Freelancer

Freelancer works as a bidder. Make your account with a portfolio and services. Bid for a job and if the client loves your work, he will hire you. Each month you get 100 bids, so you have a chance. The payment is also done by attaching your local bank account.

5.3.  Fiverr

Though Fiverr is outdated, it is still the best freelancing site for finding work. Fiverr is a bit different. Here you need to optimize your service gigs and the clients will contact you if they like your work. Fiverr payments are made through Payoneer.

5.4.  Bonus Tips

Freelance jobs can also be found on social media platforms. You can join groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to browse for freelancing jobs. The clients use these platforms for hunting freelancers. You can find jobs like Graphic Design, Writing, and Logo illustrations.

Freelancing is nothing exceptional, it’s the new normal. We should encourage young adults to explore this path that offers flexibility and financial potential instead of limiting themselves to run-of-the-mill engineering, medical, or government jobs. We should aim to break down traditional barriers and empower people to succeed in the world of digital economy.

[Rabail Anjum is the face behind the Aabiwritesalways blog. An accomplished writer who uses her platform to share a diverse array of literary works, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Known for her insightful and emotionally resonant writing, Rabail captures the intricacies of human experiences, weaving themes of identity, culture, and personal growth into her narratives.]

Photo credits: Microsoft Copilot

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